Thursday, September 17, 2009

Jasmuheen (interview, Belgium 2008)

Toxic thinking, toxic feeling, toxic feeding patterns
What you focus on becomes real.

Gardens and a quote

К жизни нужно относиться с терпением, ведь она вечная (с) Карел Чапек
One must treat life with patience as it is eternal Karel Čapek (my rough translation)

One of the books by Karel Čapek is The Gardener's Year (1929), classics and a must-read for those willing to lay out their own garden. Well, I want to have a vegetable garden, not just flowers, but anyway I'm going to find it and read soon =)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

One of my favourite countries

*I'm about to finish the book by Kapten, it's very good, with good overview and practical advice.

*Tried Turkish bananas, they are very good, sweet, but not mawkish.

Ate watermelon, figs, nectarines and peaches.

Not raw: ate Haydari (yoghurt with garlic dip) with warm Turkish bread right from the oven and felt really bad afterwards - no, not for me.

*Drank a lot of fresh orange juice, tried a mix watermelon-melon-apple-orange (or smth like this, tastes strange), tried melon juice (didn't like it)

*Enjoyed very warm waters of the east-Mediterranean and the wonderful air. Visited the Damlataş cave with the idea to breathe that special air (they say it's good for the lungs).

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Two articles: on diet (EN) and apples (RU)

key word: unprocessed

And here
healthful apples