Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Ice Water: more pics

~ Don't depend on or be stopped by any government to be healthy.

~ Avoid judging people against each other. Judge each individual against their own track record.

(c) Jen Hillhouse & happyolika

This is exactly what I've kept telling myself over many months.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ice Water: pics

I experimented with some schungite and SiO water. This is what I saw after 20 hours on the balcony. The very centre froze and got this beautiful shape of a hedgehog =D The rest was transparent. When the clear part melted, I took the 'hedgehog' out because this is the part where all the impurities are concentrated. The shape of the impurities when normal filtered water (not schungite, not SiO) freezes in a container is different. It's like a ball, rather irregular, without 'prickles'.
Why to drink ice water? I've heard of two ways of erasing information, deleting it from the water memory: distillation and freezing, and it's winter now! When you have water as pure as possible (in terms of its chemical, physical and informational contents) you can add your own information and make it healing, especially for you. =) Here it comes to the power of thought and words.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ice Water

My freezer isn't big enough for the plastic containers we have, but there's enough room on the balcony. So, making use of the low temperature outside, I put several containers out there in the evening and in the morning got frozen water (ice with some water in the centre of the container - this is the part to be poured away as it's not suitable for drinking due to the saline concentration). And I just loved the taste! I don't make myself drink it, I want to drink it, and that's a big difference.

(RU) Ссылочка про воду

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Russian Frost

It's the third day of real winter here in Moscow, snowy and rather cold. -23C in the afternoon going down to -28C at night. But neither my hands, feet nor my nose feels cold, and this is amazing! I remember very well our trip to the Vologda and Kostroma regions last January. It was -17-20C, and my hands and feet were cold in a minute or two, although I was wearing both gloves and mittens. It didn't help. These days I'm wearing rather thin gloves and it's absolutely enough for me.
It was a busy day. Used the underground many times, walked some 20 minutes to my aunt's workplace, talked to her for 5 minutes, then 20 minutes walking back to the metro station, 5 minutes on the metro, 15 minutes walking etc. And let me remind you, it was -23C...
I've just talked to my mum about my new perception, and she said she was going to tell me the same thing! Her nose used to get red very quickly, but not this winter. And both of us, we were enjoying every moment of walking in the street.
It must be the result of the blood vessels cleansing thanks to fruit and green vegetables during the last year, at least I don't see any other reason. Anyway, I like it!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


~My list is growing less:
parsley !!! (some 200-300 g a day)
bananas !!
tangerines !
green onion
lemon (juice)
green lettuce (4 different types)
dried apricot

apples: would love to find some nonwaxed apples, but with this frost I go shopping to the supermarkets only
Went to that yoga centre and found out the prices and timetable. There is something for me there!
14/12/10 -16-20C, but I wasn't cold!!! Dressed properly, of course, but even my nose didn't feel cold... This real winter is going to last a week or so. He-he

Saturday, December 5, 2009

~My second birthday with my raw foodism ideas. I'm more tolerant than a year ago. Last year it was friends at my place with only raw food (salads etc.), this time it was in a café, I invited them to fresh juice (it was a must :D ) and to whatever they would choose. The only exception was alcohol.
~Parcel from Uzbekistan received (dried apricots, almonds in shells)
~I'm more sensitive to noises and music. In my everyday metro journeys a pair of good headphones Sennheiser is an absolutely necessary thing due to the fact that I really need noise insulation... It's all too loud for me. Even at the cinema! o_O Among all the pieces of music I've got my preferences currently lie in music for the piano and/or symphony orchestra.
~There's a new yoga place not far from where I live! Want to pass by and learn the prices and timetable.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Music/ Dreams / Fast / Diet

I've been to a concert where my classmate Tatyana Kolesova was a soloist. She played the famous Tchaikovsky's Concerto no.1. The other hour it was Dvorak's cello Concerto, and it's the first time I've heard a cello solo not recorded. At first I didn't like it, but after some 5 minutes I felt something in the stomach area - the area which I perceive as the solar plexus chakra and which is the part of my body that gives me signals when I visit a sacred place. And there was a moment when I felt tears in my eyes... Who could tell me a couple of years ago I would enjoy classical music??? Well, I liked several pieces of music like Grieg's Morning mood but I wouldn't digest a classical music concert. "For the times they're a-changing", and I'm changing, too. (btw, I love this version of Bob Dylan's song)

I haven't learnt to meditate, not yet, can't organise, can't concentrate. But the images I already receive/see when I close my eyes while listening to some quiet and/or harmonious music or thinking good positive thoughts, - these images are great. Sometimes I can direct the stories, but usually I'm just passively watching and enjoying them. Sometimes they are full of colours, sometimes there are only a few colours, very seldom I see it in brownish&greyish&whitish. Usually the speed of actions is the same as I'm used to, ie not very high, but once in a while I receive images that alternate extremely quickly. Sometimes a new understanding of familiar ideas comes to me during this cartoon-watching experience.

My dreams are a bit different now. Sometimes when I wake up I physically, with my skin, feel what I was doing in the dream, for example hugging. It kind of surprises and puzzles me but for now I like it. =)

I can't fast more than one day :( The second day I feel too bad in the morning and a classical remedy glass of water doesn't help. But drinking 2-3 litres of schungite water a day is no longer a problem!

I tried eating a lot of nuts in the evening (mainly cashews that I ordered from London and pistachios, a bit of hazelnuts and walnuts) and yes, you can gain weight eating raw!!! (the question is Do you want to?)

99% of what I've been eating recently is:
-different sorts of apples (!!!)
-grapes (!!!)
-dried apricot halves (!!) (finally found a good supplier, untreated apricots)
-cabbage (!)
-dill (!)
-parsley (!!!)
-green onion (!)
-melons (!)
-pomegranates (!)
-persimmon (last year this month I was eating tonnes of persimmons, this year I've had maybe 5 pieces...)

Buckwheat, wheat, chickpea are bought for sprouting in winter.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Music, live

A schoolmate of mine is a gifted and internationally famous pianist. Every time she's in Moscow and gives a concert she invites us through vkontakte.ru (~Ru Facebook). Last Saturday I enjoyed a concert where they played Rachmaninoff's Piano concerto no.3 and Brahms's Symphony no.4. And during the first part (~50 min) I closed my eyes and tried to meditate. It was a fantastic experience! A good symphony orchestra and a piano live, it's what I really like. Each and every cell of my body was enjoying the concert and the harmony it brought.

Ecological footprint and Petroleum

Being a conscious consumer (or considering myself to be one) and trying to overcome the feeling of guilt before our dear planet, I'm on my way to lessening my ecological footprint and changing consumerism habits and I'm thinking about the (negative) impact I personally have on the world.

What I am doing or going to do:
~eat less as I am really consuming too much, enjoying a bit of this, a bit of that, and that thing over there please... while I'm already full after a couple of apples.
~make sure the lights are off everywhere when we don't need them as it's an old habit to turn on the light in the whole flat and the tv when I come home.
~try to avoid plastic bags ie try to persuade shop assistants in the supermarkets not to put each item in a separate bag but put several stickers on one bag with several items. Almost impossible: they keep telling me their boss will tell them off if they don't do that. Easier with the marketers.
~use double-sided copy and printing and scrap paper whenever possible. This is a big issue in my current job.
~transport. I move a lot around the city and use not only the underground but the marshrutkas several times a day. No solution now
~choose the greenest of the alternatives whenever possible. Here the budget constraints come into play. For example, just bought a couple of plastic containers from Ikea, not of wood or rattan nor textile mainly due to prices...

10 most surprising places to find petroleum here Comments are good as well..
Ok, in my case there's no toothpaste but tooth powder made of herbs only, but I still need the tooth brush, hm... After some months on a raw food diet one doesn't need a deodorant. No pillow is good for our health but sometimes I use it... And the glue and candles...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Not raw, not even vegan

I ate some khachapuri some time ago, and what surprised me was that it didn't seem too salty. Strange because my perception of spices had changed considerably and everything I had tasted (touched with the tongue, but not swallowed) was too salty/sweet/etc. As I like travelling and really hope to travel around the Caucasus some day I thought of trying a khachapuri when I was somewhere in Georgia, but now thanks to that good Georgian restaurant in Odessa, I can tick one more thing in life 'done' and continue lowering my psychological dependency on traditional cooked food.


This month I've decided to do some cleansing, for about 30-35 days. So I eat garlic, home-made tripharmacon (tansy, absinthe and cloves powder), pumpkin purée and seeds, lots of leafy greens (parsley, coriander, spinach, dill, lettuce, Iceberg lettuce, estragon), drink beet&carrot&apple juice every morning. In general this month I'm trying to focus on red food like red paprika or dark grapes but am not avoiding any other product whatsoever. And drinking water, yes, about a litre a day of schungite or silicon (Si) water already - a big progress for me.
Some people, including Victoria Boutenko, recommend drinking 'green cocktails'. They realised the importance of leafy greens in the human diet (their share "must" be about 45% (!) of the daily food intake) but didn't really enjoy eating them as they are, so they decided to use a blender. It's a nice idea for a raw green soup and I tried it once or twice but both my mum and I find it easy to eat leafy greens without any sorcery. 'Green cocktails' seem tasty, so we'll try them for sure =)
I think this book could be quite useful to me now :), it's in line with my own way of thinking.

Service to others

I have found an organisation I trust enough to transfer some 10% of my wages. Celebrity endorsement works! Well, it wasn't an advertising campaign, I was looking for information myself, but I found their website through a LiveJournal account of a famous Russian media person. Thanks, Татьяна Лазарева!
The fact that I already contribute somehow (very little, but better than nothing) to the society invigorates me to pass by beggars in the streets light-heartedly.

Raw stuff parcel

I've received a parcel from this raw foods shop in the UK. Door to door, fast enough! Just one week since I paid, no problems with the customs (anticipated, but highly hoped not to happen to me). Raw cashews, raw chocolate, raw nuts&seeds crackers... Lovely. A wonderful transition period =) (psychologically I still want some traditional food sometimes, every week less though, but haven't completely kicked it).


Sunday, October 11, 2009


This is my favourite. I feel how true it is (как это правильно сказать по-английски?)

Eat mainly apples? No problem!

Meet Miss Appletarian

She stopped eating processed food at the age of 26, more or less my age now (I was 24 when I decided, and I guess I'll be 26 when I - eventually - say good-bye to processed food). Would love to learn more about this lady, her experience can be a real inspiration.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Some propaganda (EN, RU subtitles)

We have a choice every moment, indeed

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Jasmuheen (interview, Belgium 2008)

Toxic thinking, toxic feeling, toxic feeding patterns
What you focus on becomes real.

Gardens and a quote

К жизни нужно относиться с терпением, ведь она вечная (с) Карел Чапек
One must treat life with patience as it is eternal Karel Čapek (my rough translation)

One of the books by Karel Čapek is The Gardener's Year (1929), classics and a must-read for those willing to lay out their own garden. Well, I want to have a vegetable garden, not just flowers, but anyway I'm going to find it and read soon =)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

One of my favourite countries

*I'm about to finish the book by Kapten, it's very good, with good overview and practical advice.

*Tried Turkish bananas, they are very good, sweet, but not mawkish.

Ate watermelon, figs, nectarines and peaches.

Not raw: ate Haydari (yoghurt with garlic dip) with warm Turkish bread right from the oven and felt really bad afterwards - no, not for me.

*Drank a lot of fresh orange juice, tried a mix watermelon-melon-apple-orange (or smth like this, tastes strange), tried melon juice (didn't like it)

*Enjoyed very warm waters of the east-Mediterranean and the wonderful air. Visited the Damlataş cave with the idea to breathe that special air (they say it's good for the lungs).

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Two articles: on diet (EN) and apples (RU)

key word: unprocessed

And here
healthful apples

Friday, August 28, 2009

Air ionizers, anyone?

Chizhevsky's air ionizing lamps (люстра Чижевского): can't decide.
I have an ionizer which produces only negative ions, and the author of this site, Aydar Tuktagulov, criticizes this type a lot, promotes bipolar ionizers as opposed to unipolar models and refers to the sanitary norms of RF. BUT one paragraph of the norms says that it's allowed not to have positive ions at workplaces with sources of electrostatic fields (office equipment etc), and it's exactly my case (well, not workplace, but at home I have so many appliances!)

"В зонах дыхания персонала на рабочих местах, где имеются источники электростатических полей (видеодисплейные терминалы или другие виды оргтехники) допускается отсутствие аэроионов положительной полярности." САНПИН

If you, (occasional) reader of this blog, have any ideas or experience or heard about somebody's experience, don't hesitate to tell me, ok?

Some quotes in RU with my rough translation

From the book by Kapten (Ю.Л.Каптен)

"Болезни возникают в теле в основном по следующим причинам:
-сон днём,
-бодрствование ночью,
-чрезмерность в сексе,
-движение в толпе,
-потеря правильных отправлений,
-плохая диета,
-утомительная умственная работа"
стр 190

"Illnesses arise in the (physical) body mainly from:
-sleeping at daytime,
-staying awake at night,
-excessiveness of sex,
-moving in the crowd (?),
-bad diet,
-tiring brainwork "
page 190

"Спокойная уверенность в том, что самое лучшее обязательно случится" стр 191

"... рассматривает грех как практическое или умственное действие или чувства, которые затрудняют, препятствуют духовному развитию человека" стр 199
~ "... see the sin as an action in practice or in mind or feelings that impede spiritual development of man" page 199

"... покаяние есть не что иное, как психологическое действие по приведению в соответствие высших духовных устремлений и ценностей индивида с конкретной самооценкой его практической деятельности" стр 199
"... repentance (of sins) is nothing else but a psychological action of bringing into harmony 'the higher spiritual aspirations and values of the individual' and concrete self-assessment of his practical activities" page 199

"Ложное чувство вины, ощущение своей греховности, по сути, препятствуют дальнейшему росту духовности, затрудняя прогресс" стр 199
"False guilt, feeling of their depravity, essentially, impede further spiritual development, making progress more difficult" page 199

From a lecture by Torsunov: hierarchy
^ реальный контакт с объектом
| медитация (концентрация ума для достижения связи с объектом, материальным или
| духовным) личностная или безличностная, на слух (поёт и слушает святое имя)
| практическое знание
| теоретическое знание

^ real contact with the object (when you see God you don't need to meditate any more)
| meditation (concentration of mind in order to connect with an object, material or
| spiritual)
| practical knowledge
| theoretical knowledge

Thursday, August 27, 2009

8 things to work on

To improve your spirituality (according to Jasmuheen):
1) understand that your thoughts create the reality; programming power of mind
2) meditation
3) prayer (Thank you!)
4) service
5) nature
6) exercise your body (yoga, martial arts...)
7) diet (at least vegetarian)
8) music and singing (only positive lyrics and instruments that don't have a negative impact on cells)

I heard a lot about giving some 10% of income to charity but when I see beggars I don't believe them... And what I heard from Jasmuheen in one of the many videos on the web actually helped me to solve this issue of wanting to give some coins and not believing those who ask for money. Finally I've decided to change 10% of my income to coins and 10-ruble notes and give 10 rubles to each and every beggar and street musician I see till this 10% is finished. It feels good :)

Monday, August 24, 2009


Dad gave me a book which is really worth reading. (RU) Рекомендую: познавательно про медитацию в разных религиях на востоке и на западе.
Ю.Л.Каптен, Основы медитации (вводный практический курс). Самара: ИЧП АВС, 1994.-362с.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009


I've been eating mainly peaches and nectarines the last couple of weeks. Fewer meals a day but considerable amounts of fruit each meal. Psychological dependence on food is significant... Sometimes I realise that physically I don't want any food any more (!) but psychologically yesss.

He-he, during the last three weeks: (just trying to recall everything)
1 peaches (from Azerbaijan, Crimea, Greece),
2 nectarines (very sweet, or very juicy, red, pink),
3 cucumbers (from different regions of Eur part of Russia, or what my relatives have grown),
4 tomatoes (from different regions of Eur part of Russia, pink, red),
5-8 dill, parsley, green onion, garlic,
9 apples (from Crimea, or from our parcel),
10 raspberry,
11 gooseberry (a lot, from our parcel, or from the neighbours'),
12 several young carrots (what my relatives have grown),
13-14 some cherry (from our neighbours' parcel), some sweet cherry (it's not good any more)
15 yellow plums (from my mum's parcel)
16 some grapes
17 hazelnuts (from South Ossetya)
18 a couple of bananas
19-20 orange juice, tangerine juice (when I work in the centre)
21 several melons
22 black currant
23-25 one white marrow, one green marrow (zucchini), a couple of very small pumpkins
26-28 lowbush blueberry of two types (черника и голубика), cowberry (брусника), cranberry - one Sunday we spent some three hours at the marsh just eating these berries! =)

It took me some time to type this list, maybe I still forgot something. Anyway, about 30 different types of food, with peaches+nectarines+cucumbers+tomatoes comprising some 70-80%.

Breatharians Baranova and Jasmuheen

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Smile =) Yoga Video

Yoga Videos 1938

Jasmuheen (talk) and Kailash (music)

Raw mono... what's next?

They tell me sometimes that I'm being too radical now.
I say no, it's not that radical.
They ask me "what can be more radical?"
Well, what about not needing physical food at all? Living on love/light/prana/...
A couple of links:
link 1
link 2
(in RU)

My current level of spiritual development is far from the one necessary for that. The next at least 2 years my new cells will be replacing the old ones that I got before going raw and you can't receive enough prana before the energy channels widen. You must first be physically healthy, and only then enjoy freedom from food.
Raw mono -> widen channels to receive cosmic energy -> be able to live without physical food

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I have never tried to meditate, but really want to! I've read and heard so much about the effects and importance of meditation that now I'm ready to learn. The only similar experience I have had by now were the 5 minutes of relaxation at the end of yoga classes, and I liked it.
They say it's easy, but something doesn't let me chase away the thoughts. I'll be trying to quieten my mind and reach that feeling of oneness.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Not about food

A couple of weeks ago I noticed that I didn't feel the need to talk about food any more. I don't initiate a conversation on "healthy lifestyles". Despite being absolutely sure about the necessity of switching to raw diet when fighting cancer, among other things, I don't promote raw foodism. It's actually quite hard to stay calm and not to react sometimes, because one of the people with cancer I know is mom of my best school friend, and at the same time my mom's good acquaintances are orthodox doctors who work with cancer patients every day and try to help them with chemotherapy. I don't even start talking about my views on cancer and treatment and what human beings shouldn't consume with them as they wouldn't want to see me or my mom again after that. I do answer questions though.
So food is not an issue any more. I think I got used to this diet =) although still only on my way to proper mono raw diet + drinking water. I'd need a couple of years of that way of life to see my physical body and health improve.
Now I'm focused on the part of myself which is not the physical body. I can't find the right words for it. It's not "psychic", it's not "soul", it's not "thoughts"... Non-material part of me, maybe?
One author who influences me most now is Wayne Dyer. Many of the ideas similar to those he touches upon or discusses in his books are not new to me, but somehow I tend to forget them and need to be reminded time and again. I am grateful to him =)

Friday, July 31, 2009

In the countryside (nostalgia)

Last Friday I went to the place where I used to spend summers in my childhood. My family has a house in a village not far from Mozhaysk and Borodino (the fields where the famous battle between the Russian troops headed by Kutuzov and the French troops headed by Napoleon Bonaparte took place), it's to the west from Moscow. The house is actually abandoned, nobody lives there in winter and very few people very seldom go there in summer. I hadn't been there for some 3-4 years and this time took the keys and went there alone. It was upsetting to finally come and see what I saw. I can say it's the place I loved most in Russia. And when nobody takes care of the land and the house you can easily feel it.
We used to plant paprika, tomatoes, a lot of cucumbers, strawberries, peas, zucchini, pumpkins, marrows, but this time I saw only one row of cucumbers, carrots, onions, garlic, several square metres of potato. When I was a kid my family had several beds of potato at least 1 km long each! No wonder we never bought potatoes. The apple trees in the garden are so old now, but still bear fruit. The raspberry bushes when not taken care of start to dominate other plants, and it is exactly what's happening in one part of our vegetable garden. Poor bushes of gooseberry and black currant, all surrounded by raspberry bushes. Yellow raspberry grows where it used to. In other parts of the vegetable garden the same old black and red currant bushes appeal to the eye. I remember one cold rainy summer day when my relatives lost me. They found me sitting under a black currant bush hiding from the rain and eating berries :)(Heard and liked the phrase: In Russia there are two winters - one white and one green).
It's a pity it's only several times a year but still it's so good to eat something directly from the bush =) They say the real good from a vegetable/fruit comes only the first 15 minutes after we pick it (tear it off) because only then the fruit is "living", the energy of Life is still there. It tastes better for sure =) And I fully enjoyed it that day in my garden. I really want to live in the countryside and grow my own vegetables and fruit, as we used to do years ago.

Prices at the Preobrazhensky market

July is a wonderful month! It's warm, the daylight is long, and there are so many yummy things at the market. I've been focusing on fruit and berries recently.

1 EUR ~ 44.5 RUR
Cherries: 40-50 RUR a kilo
Sweet cherries: 50-80-100-120-150 RUR dark, pink&yellow. Yellow sweet cherries from Armenia 200RUR (my favourite)
Peaches: from Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, the Crimea (Ukraine). 40-70-80-100-150 RUR, my choice is 80 RUR
Nectarines: 40-80-90-120 RUR
Blueberry: from Vladimir, Murom (regions in Russia). 70-80-90-110 RUR a kilo
Raspberry: from different Russian regions. 100-120-150 RUR a box (~700gr)
Melons: Astrakhan, Uzbekistan. torpedo, kolkhoznitsa (varieties). 40-50-80 RUR a kilo
Hazelnuts: South Ossetya. a new harvest, those milky hazelnuts, sold still covered with the green part, love them. 150 RUR a kilo. Sold only at one stall.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Why not Economics any longer

Listen to yourself. What is it what you really want to do in life? Not those goals imposed by the society or even very caring relatives. I'm still struggling with my mum, she has her own vision of my life, she still thinks I belong to her when I can belong to myself only. My university mates are buying flats in Moscow and good Japanese cars, and my mum wants me to make a lot of money as well. But my view of the world is different, I don't want to be striving for money all my life, I am grateful to and for what I have now.
Do I want to be an office rat? Work long hours inside concrete buildings with poor ventilation stare at a PC? Or work for a company that is one of the leaders in doing harm to the Earth? No. The first step is to realise what I don't want. Done. The next step is to realise what I do want. I started to move in this direction. I believe that doing something with languages (translating, teaching) will minimise my own negative impact on the environment.
There're many books by those who realised 1) how beautiful the world is 2)that we human beings are (supposed to be) its co-creators 3) that abundance is here, we must only see it 4) that the power of our thoughts is limitless, and dreams&wishes do come true, with a lag in time 5) that love and gratitude do miracles 6) that giving (love) is better than taking (love) 7) that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience but spiritual beings having a human experience, etc etc etc ........ Many authors are of the late XXth century, still alive and writing more. Many cite Bhagavad Gita, the Torah, the Bible, the Qur'an. Many cite other modern authors, usually healers, naturopats, psychologists. I've read quite a few. Many books are very interesting, well-structured and the ideas are so simple and I've heard them so many times, that it's surprising how come I've never really processed, so to say, those thoughts myself.
It takes time and effort to become aware of the negativism of our thoughts, the many stereotypes we automatically absorb while growing up. But once you start tidying up your mind :) you find it very exciting! You gain that independence in thoughts that many of us really dream of. In my life only the last couple of years brought me this new perception of myself, so I am quite new to this self-improvement field. But those several gleams I've had so far were really amazing! I absolutely agree with somebody who said that if you recall only one prayer a day let it be "thank you". Being grateful not only in words, but really feeling it is a marvellous inner experience which opens doors to abundance in the physical facet of our world as well.
Economics is about decisions on allocation of limited resources. In Microeconomía by Michael Parkin (I have a Spanish edition) I read: "Todas las preguntas de la economía surgen de un hecho sencillo e ineludible: no siempre se puede obtener lo que uno quiere. Vivimos en un mundo de escasez". And this is exactly the idea I don't support any more. The universe has everything a human being might need, and it's a matter of time to receive it (let's not think of what time is for now). How much time is needed depends on the person's qualities, openness to the abundance etc. But beware! Be careful in wishing something! You will get it, and what will you do then? ;)

Fasting and week-day names

Do you speak Irish? Maybe you know several Irish words? I don't know a word in Irish myself but I've just learned one curious thing: the days of the week Wednesday and Friday are called fasting and Thursday is the day between fastings. Wow! In the Orthodox Christian tradition Wednesday and Friday were banian days as well, although in Russian the meaning of the names is different (Wednesday sreda means middle, Friday pyatnitsa means the fifth day of the week).

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sweet cherries

At least 1/3 of my current diet are sweet cherries, mainly dark-red ones.
Countries of origin: mainly Uzbekistan, but some are from Azerbaijan, Moldova and Armenia
Prices: 80-280 RUR a kilo (1 EUR ~ 44 RUR). 120 RUR is the most common price for dark-red and red sweet cherries at the market I go to (Preobrazhensky). 80 RUR is the evening market price for pink&yellow sweet cherries there. One of my favourite kinds is the yellow sweet cherry from Armenia, they cost 150 RUR a kilo and it's quite hard to find these. Extra large very dark sweet cherries cost 220-280 RUR a kilo.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Busy again. From early morning till quite late at night with several free hours at noon. Sleep about 5 hours a night, not enough for me. Move a lot, by mainly short distances in polluted areas (15 minutes on foot to the closest underground station). Spend a lot of time in metro and in concrete buildings, surrounded by crowds of people or working with people (not with a PC).
The cherry period will come to an end soon so I'm eating as much as I can afford every day. The prices are reasonable at the market, but I don't have time to go there often and have to buy fruit next to metro stations.
Bingo, I drink at least two mugs of water every morning.

Friday, July 3, 2009


The entire month of June I was very busy, slept less than I needed, spent almost all my time inside, was nervous because of lack of time - not really a healthy way of life. Strangely enough the monorawfoodism aspect was ok. I ate small portions of fruit and vegetables during the day, so the absolute majority of my meals were fine from the mono perspective. But in the evening I couldn't avoid mixing everything. Now that I'm quite free again I eat a lot again and mix even fruit with vegetables, uff. Drinking water is still a big issue, just can't drink it.

I read one monorawfoodist's diary. He's mono since some 8 months ago and he's tried mixing stuff recently. He says he felt the difference in clarity of his mind although the body reacted ok. As my reasons for rawfoodism are related to both physical and non-physical (spiritual, mental) aspects of life I'm even more convinced to switch to a 100% mono now.

It's the season of sweet cherries now. I'm a big fan of those and taking advantage of good prices at the Preobrazhensky market. 3 kilos of dark, pink and yellow sweet cherries a day? Easily! And with pleasure =)

Linden trees are in their full blossom now. They smell so good that I enjoy my morning walk to the metro station as there are a lot of linden trees on my way.
Good olfaction can cause some inconveniences as too many people smell bad and the air quality in many parts of Moscow is really poor.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

Nuts and seeds

Yesterday I tried raw unsalted pistachio nuts and loved them a lot! I know only one place in Moscow where they are sold, and not that cheap (165 RUR per 0.5 kg, 1 EUR ~ 43.5 RUR). We ate the 300 gr too quickly =)
Something is wrong with the white sesame I bought. I put it to soak, but today it smells bad and doesn't start to germinate after enough time for this.
After I started to soak all seeds I don't like them dry anymore. They change their taste after the crucial moment of waking up due to water.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sesame / Sprouts / Weekend Market

Sesame seeds:
Yes! After 2 days they started to germinate. I am content. So sesame milk is going to be my daily drink for the coming weeks.

Really living food:
More sprouts of all kinds when they are up to 1 cm long and wheat grass up to 10 cm. This, the wheat grass thing, will be my next step. Already know where to order and when.

Weekend market:
Hurray, sweet cherry from the Tashkent region (Uzbekistan)! At affordable prices (350 RUR a kilo, 1 EUR ~ 44 RUR), in comparison with the cherry sold at Azbuka vkusa supermarkets (750-1500 RUR a kilo). And strawberry that smells strawberry, from Krasnodar greenhouses.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Soaps / Sesame / Ekadashi / Mum

I like natural soaps, love to choose them for presents =), but it's not easy to find one without animal fat or glycerin. So I am happy now as a wonderful savon d'argan artisanal came to me as a present from Morocco (soap with argan oil by Coopérative Marjana, à 14 km d'Essaouira sur la route de Marrakech). If you have never tried it you don't know how pleasant a soap can be!

Some recent changes:
The colour of my skin is getting whiter and pinker. I noticed it only today looking at my hands and I really like this change! Since several days ago I have been feeling cold. I know this is usual for many people who just start switching to raw foodism. In my case I felt wonderful in September-October, slept with a fully open window with 13C. But now it's 20C in my apartment, and I am wearing a sweatsuit.

My weight is low but stable (obviously, the BMI shows I am underweight). My mum's weight has changed considerably but gradually and smoothly, minus 10 kg since December (~5 months). She didn't limit the amount of food nor restricted the number of products. Just ate everything she wanted, raw, with a bit of salt, then sea salt, black pepper, some oil; during the last 5 months she had, besides raw food, some thin Armenian pita (лаваш), bread, several times she ate boiled potatoes, braised vegetables, stchi (Russian cabbage soup, щи) and puff pastry patties (слоёные пирожки), some cheese, milk, coffee. It was a drastic change in eating habits for her, but she feels much better with her current food preferences, which makes me happy as well. She perceives it as a temporary diet, but how suitable is the word "temporary" when she is going to keep to it for the coming year for sure? =).

Sesame seeds:
Read they are all treated with some alkalies in order to remove a specific taste of their hull. I don't know if to trust this info, but yesterday I put some seeds to soak to see if they are alive. By now none has started to germinate.

Still try to follow it twice a month. Yesterday it was ekadashi, but I did eat, so I am having a dry fasting today, on dvadashi, instead. My mum joined me today.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A post with pics

La-la-la, my mum has just returned from Morocco and brought me 3 types of dates and several oranges. In such countries oranges are usually not treated when they are for the domestic market, and you can see that they are different from what is sold in supermarkets in countries-importers. They are not that clean and the orange-peel colour is not homogeneous. The taste is superb.

One of the Azeri tomatoes I bought at the weekend market contained no seeds! I couldn't eat it. The rest were ok and tasted good.

I read a comment (#11) by somebody whose tastes coincide with mine :)

My fridge can look like this sometimes:

Black sesame "milk":
Yesterday I prepared it for the first time and I loved it! Surely I'll buy some raw white sesame seeds and try them this way as well. Sesame is a wonderful source of Ca as Ca from it assimilates best. For me sesame milk is a way to drink more water without making myself do it.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Grocery shopping / Emotions, habits, traits of character

My monodiet development:
Fruits separately. Sprouts (wheat seeds and mung beans in germination) separately. Vegetables and root crops both separately and mixed, but already minimizing the number of ingredients per "salad". Dill, parsley, green onion, coriander and similar both separately and cut into "salads". Cucumbers, cauliflower, marrows, sweet paprika on their own. Tomatoes with garlic or with radish, or guacamole (tomatoes with avocado, garlic, lemon juice - could be without lemon juice). Korean style carrots.

Bananas: I guess the majority of bananas nowadays are GMO, and when I learned this I even avoided them for a while. But as for now I still do love them, and it's not good to suppress one's wants for a long time =) So I've been buying and tasting every brand I came across. Now I find tasty only one type of bananas, those with Gold Sun Ecuador sticker. I hope to enjoy a lot bananas somewhere in southern Europe when I'm there in late August (if I'm there...)

Tomatoes: I remember the pleasure I got from tasting Turkish tomatoes in Istanbul after my long Dutch experience. It was a drastic change then. Turkish tomatoes sold in Russia are really bad, and the tests by Roszdravnadzor (a governmental agency for health and all kinds of safety issues) show in many tomatoes a very high residual chemicals level, above the standards (but still they are on the market - it's Russia...). These are actually the only tomatoes reported to contain a high residual level of fertilizers on the market. I doubt it, as there are tomatoes from Spain and Holland which don't smell or taste like tomatoes. We avoid them. The tomatoes that taste good are imported from Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan, and the prices range from 150 to 250 RUR now (1 EUR~44 RUR) while other tomatoes cost 100-120 RUR a kilo.

Young garlic: just wonderful. Smells nice, contains much more water than late summer garlic. Yes, it's possible to eat several cloves in a monodiet way =) But usually I squeeze it on tomatoes.

Weekend market: summer is coming and the choice is bigger and bigger, and finally there is radish (it's not common to have radish in winter here, only at some supermarkets, looked at as very "artificial"). They all claim on their price-tags it's from Krasnodar (the most southern region of the RF), and I believed them. The second time I came to buy radish I saw some small Israeli packets with radish beyond the counter lying in the same place where the very big packet with what they called Krasnodar radish. They just opened the small packets and put the radish into the big packets from which they eventually took it to weight for the customers. I don't have anything against produce from Israel (I am not very familiar with it, usually it's not bad, their sun gives it all its love). But I try to minimize my chemicals intake =) so my first choice is produce from the countries of the ex-USSR. When I commented my finding to the seller, she just asked me with a sigh if I was taking that or not. I felt offended and went away. A women at a stall nearby was honest with me and said her radish was from Poland. At another stall radish looked different and I was told that that one yes was from Krasnodar.

Changing the character and my reactions: everything is changing automatically, with all I've been reading and watching. But many of my traits of character and reactions need intentional and deliberate efforts to change, and it's hard. By now I have found the most important issues, not through a meditation, but through a systematic deep contemplation, have written them down and realized that I had never seen them so pronounced in me before nor has my mom. I believe learning oneself is the most interesting thing on Earth (the second interesting thing is exploring Nature). The most destructive emotions and habits are as follows: feeling shame (испытывать чувство стыда), censure (осуждение), envy (зависть), pity/compassion (жалеть, жалость). I know that according to the standard modern paradigm it's good to feel compassion and shame. According to many healers it's not as it is self-destruction on the energetic level which passes on to the physical level (physical health, life in the material world), so the way to improve the energetic level is to change the habit from feeling pity etc. to shedding love to everyone. I believe the healers. Their words are in line with Hinduism and Christianity. But although I understand what to do many of my reactions are changing extremely slow.
I have also started to realize what my fears are. An enormous amount of work is ahead. Every time I learn something new about the world and about me I am happy for a while but then realize that there is even more to know. And the world is getting bigger and bigger! A wonderful sensation!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Impressed / Babies

My good friend from Krasnoyarsk is going to become a father in September! And most of my classmates have already married or are getting married this year. 24-26 is the age by which the majority have their first child. Incredible. I am not ready yet even if I had a fiancé. I was brought up in a culture where a good wife is supposed to cook well and I had been learning and was considered to be good at it. And in my dreams I was planning to open a restaurant. Now, with my raw foodism, it turns out that it's been in vain. I will be searching for a husband among raw foodists and even if he is not a raw foodist but a vegan, I won't kill food =)

I was so impressed by the news from my friend that went to take a look at the shelves with baby stuff at a supermarket and the prices. Poor things! They are fed with tinned soup with beef since 12 months! sold under "борщик с говядинкой" where bold letters are diminutive-hypocoristic suffixes as if everything related to babies should be "small" (in every sense).

It's really a pity that nowadays babies are not put to nurse if mother doesn't have enough milk but are fed with artificial milk formula. It's a pity many young mothers choose not to breastfeed even if they have enough milk. And more and more young mothers lose milk because their own food is too artificial (like coke and potato chips) and lacks uncooked ingredients.

O tempora! o mores!


It's so hard to change habits. For example, I want not to feel anger anymore, but the society has been showing me that a right reaction to certain circumstances is anger. So all my life I have reacted accordingly. Now I want to stop being influenced that much and want to think myself. It's such a new idea to me =)

While wandering in youtube I came across a nice interpretation of positive affirmations. Check this out:

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Korean carrots recipe

It's been a while now that I stopped using salt or pepper, or oil. But today I saw a wonderful almost raw version of "Korean carrots" salad and understood how much I missed it. Ssso. This is the post which seduced me =) (in RU). They say this salad integrated into Russian cuisine when many Koreans were moved by force within the USSR during the Stalin era.
I want to share it with you, because it is easy and quick to prepare, tasty, a bit spicy, wonderful as an appetizer. Your dear ones will appreciate it.
My version:
-Good fresh carrots, washed and peeled: slice (better grate) them into spaghetti-like strands, some 5 cm long and 1-2 mm wide.
-Black and red (cayenne) pepper: cayenne pepper, together with garlic, is what gives the whole thing such a special taste.
-Several cloves of (young) garlic: cut in small pieces or squeeze.
-Oil: sesame, or olive, or sunflower. Just a bit.
-Freshly squeezed lemon juice: just a bit, 1 lemon for a medium bowl.
-Sea salt.

I added black sesame seeds and used a spoonful of olive oil.
Mix everything very well! And place into the fridge for 30 min - 1 hour.
I couldn't wait that long and 10 minutes were enough to marinade. I ate the whole bowl with pleasure and am feeling fine now :)

Bon appetit!
PS: this is not my pic, I found it on the web

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My mango experience %)

Wow! I already eat much less than a month ago! For example, today I had 2 apples for late breakfast, 2 apples for lunch, 3 ripe bananas when I was in the centre in the afternoon, "super intense salad" (tomatoes, dill, red onion, green onion, a lot of squeezed out garlic, a bit of lemon juice - what a mix! just wanted something bitter) for dinner, a small Thai mango for late dinner, a glass of water during the day. Yesterday it was just several big apples and about 1 litre of water and "infusions" during the day. This is a change, the next step =)

I got a small sum of money quite unexpectedly and, to pamper ourselves, I went to the most expensive supermarket (can't help but mention that their website is so badly translated into English) and bought 3 small Thai mangoes. They are sold only at one chain (to my knowledge) and are expensive (~200 RUR each, 1 EUR ~ 44 RUR). I'd been wishing to taste the Thai variety since I first saw it in a supermarket in winter, but the price ... Now, done! It's delicious! very soft and exquisite, with almost no fibres. The colour is nice, entirely yellow, with no green or red parts. The next variety to taste on a special occasion is Australian (there are not many Australian varieties on the Moscow market, so I am generalizing). I saw it the first time today, in the same supermarket. It is ssso big! and it is even more expensive than the Thai one (850 RUR a kilo, so 1 item would cost ~500 RUR). Mmm

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Music Therapy / Water / Thought

When did you use a cassette the last time? Me, yesterday. In the last years of the USSR the borders opened for commerce, trade of consumer goods (before it was largely restricted to metal, oil, wheat and similar). This cassette of mine is of 1991. It is called "The Way of Life" and is based on the Chinese theory of the 5 elements Yi-Ching. The traditional Chinese music you hear in their restaurants is based on the same principles, always combining yin and yang in their striving for harmony. A cassette is not practical nowadays, so I decided to download some Yi-Ching music, in lossless, of course - this is the type of music where no moment should be lost while recording and converting, so the best quality available for the moment. I found out that there is one prominent Chinese music therapist who produced, compiled and arranged a series of albums. His name is Wang Xu-dong.

Modern American music therapists, unlike ancient Indian and later Chinese healers, believe that "All styles of music can be useful in effecting change in a client or patient's life". In the orient only calm and harmonious music is considered suitable for healing purposes (actually, they recommend to avoid all other styles, as these have a negative impact on the cells). Well, the notorious experiments of Dr. Masaru Emoto showed that water exposed to the music of Argentine tango also produces beautiful crystals, so it's not only Tchaikovsky or mantras that influence water positively, while hard rock produces ugly shapes, in accordance with the oriental beliefs. (Emoto's results have not been obtained by other researchers though. I believe in the power of thought so I accept his work with gratitude).

Everything, literally, is vibration, each and every cell vibrates at a certain level, frequency. When this level deviates from its best level it becomes unwanted for the whole organism, and it tries to cure it and then, if it was not successful, to kill it. Good thoughts improve the frequency of an ill cell to its best natural level.
(uf, haven't finished the idea, have to shut down the system)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hatha Yoga etc.

It's amazing how many different things are stored in my flat! Recently I've found a copy of somebody's experience with Hatha Yoga physical exercises and breathing techniques typed on an old typing machine with some paragraphs marked with a pen. My granny had a typewriter, and I remember her using it in my childhood. I don't know if she ever followed the advice from that copy telling us about how the life of a 60-year-old Soviet man, chronically ill, changed when he started to practice several simple physical and breathing exercises every morning, in combination with tempering and using the power of intention. This story dates back to the middle of the XXth century. And by now nothing has improved in this field. Vice verse, in general people are much farther from Nature than 60 years ago.

No physical exercises in my life now, tempering is somehow neglected... I am focused on forming my intentions the right way, attempting to work with my subconscious consciously; water&infusion&juice fasting; eating products separately; not overeating; understanding the non-physical roots of my physical ailments; rethinking my life. It occupies me fully.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Closer to the raw mono diet/ On the path to becoming the master of my life

I am starting to move away from making salads and mixing everything. Can eat oranges and tangerines together or avocado with dill and parsley, but already half of the "meals" consists of one type of product.
I am reading the 3rd book out of the 4 on the role of our thoughts and intentions in the creation of our worlds (plural, yes) by Sinelnikov (in RU only). Very similar to transurfing, but less selfish, focused on the idea of the necessity to change oneself in order to change one's world - the same idea as in the Vedic tradition. I think Sinelnikov's books and books on transurfing nicely supplement each other.
Choosing the main goal in life is not easy.
Great changes await.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I, me, mine and OM

I don't know how to produce the right OM (AUM) sound. I have never tried to meditate. I have never tried to fully concentrate on something... and don't know how to start!!!
So as I can't produce that sound, I want to hear it at least. But who makes it the right way??? Ufff. Nevertheless, I listen to what sounds lovely to me. These are several mantras (Well, Christian prayers end with 'AMEN', but Christians lost the understanding of the power, meaning and origin of this word and don't pronounce it correctly).
I love this mantra interpretation and this commercial version. Deva Premal has a sweet voice.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

=) First anniversary

Around this time last April I understood I couldn't eat meat any longer. First, I told that I was thinking of becoming a vegetarian to my friends Sergey and Vadim. The reaction was "so you won't cook to us any more?" Lovely... Then I went to my friends Denise and Naira and shared my news. The reaction was something like " wow, are you sure?" Some days later I saw Owen and Heejung. Their reaction was something like "ok, but why?". A month later my mum (a dentist brought up by the Soviet medical school) came to spend a week with me in Holland. Her reaction was a pale face.
About 7 months ago I started to become a raw foodist. I shared this with Owen and Heejung. Never told Denise or Naira. Vadim and Sergey learned later. I talked to my mum only when I came back home.
Now my mum is almost as strict as I am, she eats something cooked maybe once in a month only.

Several links on raw diet and similar

I've been reading everything I can find on natural living (including diets) but it used to be mainly in Russian. It was intended for me, it's easier for me to be persuaded by something in my mother tongue =) But now I want to share my views. So I found something in English. Especially for you =)

Ah, those pots and pans! Or how and why I became a raw foodist
War in vain. Why we get sick and what for
Immunity. Do we really need it?
Cooking for slow death
Where to get protein?
Do vegetarians and raw foodists risk?
Eating bread one gains not just weight

And one last link for now about menstruation. I haven't read the entire blog entry, but I read something similar in Russian several months ago and I was shocked. Well, as a child, when I learned that every girl will start having it regularly one day, I didn't understand why human females have menstruation while animal females don't but I didn't even think about looking for alternative views on the nature of menstruation then. Hm, the fact of having it in the future (and having pain while giving birth) was the reason why I wanted to be a boy then =))) Now I don't need to worry about menstruation and I perceive the ability of giving birth as a heavenly gift.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Web resources

The site I found yesterday when searching for some info on Breuss in English is very good! It contains info about all kinds of fasting for newbies. I am not that advanced in fasting but my own experience and the one of the golodanie.su community gives me enough knowledge to say that the site is good. Although it belongs to a doctor who promotes his hospital located in the Philippines, it's not just simple advertising, it's maintained for everyone who is looking for detoxification, fasting for spiritual reasons etc.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Juicer/Anti-cancer diet

Bought a juicer. Finally! My old one had some problems. I had only 4000 RUR (1 EUR ~ 45 RUR), bought one by an absolutely unknown (to me) brand taking into consideration only the parameters (trying to find the best for such a low price). Just tried it with celery, cucumbers and carrots. For this price my choice is ok. I also want a manual so-called wheatgrass juicer, but they are not sold here (or I can't find any info), and I will have to order it from the USA... Expensive it will be, as the cost of shipment might be higher than the price of the manual juicer...
Being in general against breaking what nature gives us I consider juice extraction to be an intermediate stage. Besides, I want to follow Dr. Rudolph Breuss's 42-days scheme. In my case it's for cleaning purposes (I hope), but I have read posts by people whom Breuss's scheme helped in their battle with cancer (together with the no-sugar magnesium diet which consists in beet root, cauliflower, kohlrabi, pumpkin, radish, buckwheat sprouts and rose hips only, everything RAW!. If you know somebody with cancer who is looking for a cure, I really believe I know the answer).

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Watched a programme on GMO on a Russian channel (Осторожно! Ген скорпиона по телеканалу Россия, in RU only). This film touches upon the main issues related to GMO in fruits&vegetables, especially soya&corn, food used at animal farms etc. but it lacks some important information, for instance, about experiments with the second and third generations of mice. As I am against GMO and try to follow the developments, there isn't much new stuff in the film for me. Two new things were information about potatoes and Brazil!!! This country is among the leaders in GMO use, after the USA. Hm... Need to search for trustworthy info.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


My condolences to relatives of those who suffered in the earthquakes in central Italy, but here I'd like to comment on just one thing said on tv (Euronews, for example). So I heard some reporters talk about dehydration of those whom the rescue teams helped (are helping and will help) after the first 24 hours. Dehydration after 24-36-48-72 hours? Dios mío, those guys don't know what they are talking about! Now I noticed this disinformation, but just a year ago I would have believed those reporters.
In the modern European society it is uncommon to abstain from food and drink during certain periods. In the Muslim world many people fast in the month of Ramadan abstaining from food, drinks, entertainment etc from dawn to dusk. In the Hindu religion all the manifestations of their divine beings to lay people at a date in the past, all deaths of their holy people etc. are celebrated by a short fasting till midday (not eating, not drinking, no entertainment etc); plus there are 2 ekadashis every month when they don't eat or drink 36 hours (night+day+night). I don't say everybody is following all these traditions, but at least they are familiar with the concept, so everybody knows it's fine not to drink for 36 hours. My personal maximum of abstaining from both food and drink is 3 days (about 72 hours) by now, and I wouldn't use the word dehydration to my condition then. In general it is good to be sure that you can survive several days without food and drink while having enough energy for something apart from staying in bed and it is good to practice this as well.

I haven't drunk water for quite some time. My very old Soviet juicer still works and makes me apple juice every day. Then oranges and cucumbers are very juicy. I believe I must drink water, because making juice is unnatural (no animal can do this), but somehow now I can't make myself drink water. The water I have access to doesn't taste good to me.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Open air market/Dried fruits

Every Friday to Sunday there is a week-end open air market in each part of Moscow. In my area we have one half-way to my mom's workplace and every Friday we buy groceries from one and the same stall with produce from the Oryol region. It is hard to find a farm in Russia that would know how to preserve well agricultural produce the whole winter (November-March) due to low technological level of their storage facilities. And I guess we are lucky to have found some contacts. Their prices are higher than the average prices on that local market, but we noticed we are not the only regular customers of theirs. Thus, good quality (and minimal giving light weight as opposed to the majority) does form loyalty =).
I know that by now apples from this part of the planet don't contain much nutritional value in general, but still it's something juicy and nice. Unfortunately, I noticed that I can eat only Russian, Ukrainian and Moldavian apples, not treated or treated much less than their "colleagues" from Poland (which used to be quite fine before Poland entered the EU), France, Holland, China (uff) or Latin America.
I got hooked on sunflower seeds. Since last week I've been really enjoying some 100 grams of big & tasty sunflower seeds from Uzbekistan a time, some 2-3 times a day. I am really happy we have such good economic relations at the level of vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, seeds and similar with the ex-Soviet republics of Central Asia. They are so poor that they don't treat their produce =) and thanks God the sanitation & epidemiological rules and standards for import to the Russian Federation are adequate, not exorbitant as in the EU.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Prices/Exotic Fruits

Almost everywhere in the world today the prices are going down, in several countries including Russia, they are going up, at a high pace I must say. The forecasts are not nice at all. By the end of the year fruits&vegetables&root crops are going to cost the final consumers 150% more than now. As far as I know, at present a raw foodist who economizes well can spend on food 4000 RUR (1 EUR ~ 45 RUR) a month in Moscow, but this means almost no fruits. My expenses when I count well are 5000 RUR for 2 weeks for 2 people, which normally can be extrapolated to 1 month (I have never calculated for a whole month). When I am not on such a strict budget I spend 7500 RUR per month per person. We'll see the surprises of December.
I have started to learn Portuguese on my own, I bought a CD and downloaded a lot of stuff. It's easy for me after Spanish, but many basic vocabulary words are different. As I had done with Spanish, I made a list of food I may want to eat in Portuguese. And after searching for the translations I explored the variety of fruits&vegetables in Wiki. Brasil is one of the countries which can be called a paradise for fruit lovers! I am not familiar with a vast majority of what I have read about. Brasil will certainly be on my list of countries to visit in the Americas =)

Monday, March 9, 2009

My food preferences now

Basic stuff
(from the regions nearby or neighbouring countries):
apples from the Lipetsk region (to the south from Moscow)
our own pumpkins (grown in the Moscow region)
white cabbage
hazelnuts from the Lipetsk region
dill from the Moscow or Kaluga region
sun-dried persimmon from Georgia (incl. Abkhazia)
sun-dried apricot (both with the freestone, урюк, and without, курага)
mung bean (green gram, маш) in germination
wheat seeds in germination
sunflower seeds

Products from faraway regions (need to minimize):
sun-dried dates from the Mediterranean region
citrus from Morocco
pineapple from Costa-Rica
mango from Peru
pears from Argentina

There are some products I would love to consume but they are not seasonal meaning too many fertilizers are used (cucumbers from greenhouses in nearby regions or Central Asia, tomatoes from Central Asia and paprika I don't know where it is from). But sometimes I do eat these.


This winter in the Moscow region and where I have travelled was sometimes what we call "real", -20C, white snow everywhere. After 3 winters in Western Europe I was a bit nervous about how I would survive any temperature below 0, but it turned out to be quite fine. So I don't see any obstacles to be a raw foodist in the cold period of the year as many say.
But I must admit I was not a raw foodist myself because of my very strong psychological dependence on bread. Now I am finally changing this habit.
Being quite thin and slim I would have never thought I would go for a fast longer than a couple of days. But I did. Starting on the 2nd of March, coinciding with the Orthodox Lent (Great Fast), 7 days, finished today with half water-half freshly squeezed apple juice. It was really hard for me, I felt extremely weak in certain moments, the stairs were a nightmare so I didn't go out the last 4 days (I live on the 2nd floor without an elevator). I did it till the acidotic crisis which happened yesterday in the evening and although I then all of a sudden felt strong and thought to continue for several more days today I woke up too weak to move my arms. I guess this is when the real cleansing process starts, but I wasn't ready for this so I crawled to the kitchen to prepare the juice. Still a great experience!
Hopefully I am becoming a real raw foodist today. Understanding the negative issues of bread and having lived without any food for a week I guess now I am able to do this.