Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Closer to the raw mono diet/ On the path to becoming the master of my life

I am starting to move away from making salads and mixing everything. Can eat oranges and tangerines together or avocado with dill and parsley, but already half of the "meals" consists of one type of product.
I am reading the 3rd book out of the 4 on the role of our thoughts and intentions in the creation of our worlds (plural, yes) by Sinelnikov (in RU only). Very similar to transurfing, but less selfish, focused on the idea of the necessity to change oneself in order to change one's world - the same idea as in the Vedic tradition. I think Sinelnikov's books and books on transurfing nicely supplement each other.
Choosing the main goal in life is not easy.
Great changes await.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I, me, mine and OM

I don't know how to produce the right OM (AUM) sound. I have never tried to meditate. I have never tried to fully concentrate on something... and don't know how to start!!!
So as I can't produce that sound, I want to hear it at least. But who makes it the right way??? Ufff. Nevertheless, I listen to what sounds lovely to me. These are several mantras (Well, Christian prayers end with 'AMEN', but Christians lost the understanding of the power, meaning and origin of this word and don't pronounce it correctly).
I love this mantra interpretation and this commercial version. Deva Premal has a sweet voice.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

=) First anniversary

Around this time last April I understood I couldn't eat meat any longer. First, I told that I was thinking of becoming a vegetarian to my friends Sergey and Vadim. The reaction was "so you won't cook to us any more?" Lovely... Then I went to my friends Denise and Naira and shared my news. The reaction was something like " wow, are you sure?" Some days later I saw Owen and Heejung. Their reaction was something like "ok, but why?". A month later my mum (a dentist brought up by the Soviet medical school) came to spend a week with me in Holland. Her reaction was a pale face.
About 7 months ago I started to become a raw foodist. I shared this with Owen and Heejung. Never told Denise or Naira. Vadim and Sergey learned later. I talked to my mum only when I came back home.
Now my mum is almost as strict as I am, she eats something cooked maybe once in a month only.

Several links on raw diet and similar

I've been reading everything I can find on natural living (including diets) but it used to be mainly in Russian. It was intended for me, it's easier for me to be persuaded by something in my mother tongue =) But now I want to share my views. So I found something in English. Especially for you =)

Ah, those pots and pans! Or how and why I became a raw foodist
War in vain. Why we get sick and what for
Immunity. Do we really need it?
Cooking for slow death
Where to get protein?
Do vegetarians and raw foodists risk?
Eating bread one gains not just weight

And one last link for now about menstruation. I haven't read the entire blog entry, but I read something similar in Russian several months ago and I was shocked. Well, as a child, when I learned that every girl will start having it regularly one day, I didn't understand why human females have menstruation while animal females don't but I didn't even think about looking for alternative views on the nature of menstruation then. Hm, the fact of having it in the future (and having pain while giving birth) was the reason why I wanted to be a boy then =))) Now I don't need to worry about menstruation and I perceive the ability of giving birth as a heavenly gift.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Web resources

The site I found yesterday when searching for some info on Breuss in English is very good! It contains info about all kinds of fasting for newbies. I am not that advanced in fasting but my own experience and the one of the community gives me enough knowledge to say that the site is good. Although it belongs to a doctor who promotes his hospital located in the Philippines, it's not just simple advertising, it's maintained for everyone who is looking for detoxification, fasting for spiritual reasons etc.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Juicer/Anti-cancer diet

Bought a juicer. Finally! My old one had some problems. I had only 4000 RUR (1 EUR ~ 45 RUR), bought one by an absolutely unknown (to me) brand taking into consideration only the parameters (trying to find the best for such a low price). Just tried it with celery, cucumbers and carrots. For this price my choice is ok. I also want a manual so-called wheatgrass juicer, but they are not sold here (or I can't find any info), and I will have to order it from the USA... Expensive it will be, as the cost of shipment might be higher than the price of the manual juicer...
Being in general against breaking what nature gives us I consider juice extraction to be an intermediate stage. Besides, I want to follow Dr. Rudolph Breuss's 42-days scheme. In my case it's for cleaning purposes (I hope), but I have read posts by people whom Breuss's scheme helped in their battle with cancer (together with the no-sugar magnesium diet which consists in beet root, cauliflower, kohlrabi, pumpkin, radish, buckwheat sprouts and rose hips only, everything RAW!. If you know somebody with cancer who is looking for a cure, I really believe I know the answer).

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Watched a programme on GMO on a Russian channel (Осторожно! Ген скорпиона по телеканалу Россия, in RU only). This film touches upon the main issues related to GMO in fruits&vegetables, especially soya&corn, food used at animal farms etc. but it lacks some important information, for instance, about experiments with the second and third generations of mice. As I am against GMO and try to follow the developments, there isn't much new stuff in the film for me. Two new things were information about potatoes and Brazil!!! This country is among the leaders in GMO use, after the USA. Hm... Need to search for trustworthy info.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


My condolences to relatives of those who suffered in the earthquakes in central Italy, but here I'd like to comment on just one thing said on tv (Euronews, for example). So I heard some reporters talk about dehydration of those whom the rescue teams helped (are helping and will help) after the first 24 hours. Dehydration after 24-36-48-72 hours? Dios mío, those guys don't know what they are talking about! Now I noticed this disinformation, but just a year ago I would have believed those reporters.
In the modern European society it is uncommon to abstain from food and drink during certain periods. In the Muslim world many people fast in the month of Ramadan abstaining from food, drinks, entertainment etc from dawn to dusk. In the Hindu religion all the manifestations of their divine beings to lay people at a date in the past, all deaths of their holy people etc. are celebrated by a short fasting till midday (not eating, not drinking, no entertainment etc); plus there are 2 ekadashis every month when they don't eat or drink 36 hours (night+day+night). I don't say everybody is following all these traditions, but at least they are familiar with the concept, so everybody knows it's fine not to drink for 36 hours. My personal maximum of abstaining from both food and drink is 3 days (about 72 hours) by now, and I wouldn't use the word dehydration to my condition then. In general it is good to be sure that you can survive several days without food and drink while having enough energy for something apart from staying in bed and it is good to practice this as well.

I haven't drunk water for quite some time. My very old Soviet juicer still works and makes me apple juice every day. Then oranges and cucumbers are very juicy. I believe I must drink water, because making juice is unnatural (no animal can do this), but somehow now I can't make myself drink water. The water I have access to doesn't taste good to me.