Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Guys in shorts =)

I recall some moments from great old days in Holland when I just got acquainted with Owen and heard someone say "ah, that Canadian guy in shorts" =) Living in a northern country, although with a very mild climate, he wore shorts 3/4 of the year (right, Owen? how is it now, in Spain?) That looked weird to me, as in Russia parents tell children to wrap up and the vast majority of kids are wrapped up sooo well that we get used to it and put on a lot of clothes when we grow up.

Now I'm leaving off the habit of wrapping up and I need less clothes to feel fine in the Moscow winter. But I'm far from wearing shorts in a -20C frost. And there are people who do that!
For example, Алексей Мартынов, a raw foodist, singer and animal advocate (in RU), or Jericho Sunfire, now a breatharian, personal trainer (in EN) (well, Jericho hasn't been exposed to such low temperatures, but still he wears shorts when there's snow)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Stages in diet

omnivore -> ... vegetarian -> strict vegetarian=vegan -> raw foodist -> mono raw foodist -> fruitarian -> liquidarian -> breatharian

In this chain, the diet is getting lighter and lighter.
The body goes through intense cleansing during the raw stages, intuition improves, and it will signal you when you are ready to stop eating, but not before the physical health has been gained.

Where am I in this transition? It's somewhere here: raw foodist -> mono raw foodist -> fruitarian

The No-Breakfast Plan by Edward Hookey Dewey

Saturday, February 20, 2010

~ Reincarnation
In the book I'm reading the author highlights the difference between reincarnation and transmigration of the soul. By the former he means returning to earth being reborn in human form. By the latter he means returning to earth in the form of trees, animals, birds, rocks, or human. Well, there're other definitions of these terms, but the important thing for me here is that Dr. Newton says he hasn't come across transmigration in his practice, which has been a good one!, and he was told that human souls live separately and reincarnate in human form only.
According to Edgar Cayce, humans are not reborn as animals.
However, according to many ancient beliefs and religions, we are.
From the http://animalcommunicatorforum.com/ I learnt that animals do change species when they return to earth. But I haven't found info about humans born as animals. Maybe I'll ask somebody on that forum.
I'm a bit confused now :) Nevertheless, it doesn't change cosiness of my reality=)

~Learning to respect
I want to learn to respect, especially my parents. All religions say parents must be respected, but I just don't feel the respect. I look at my parents like at people who gave birth to me this time and who know more about me than the others, and yet they don't know me, and there's nothing special, no that love I felt in my childhood, and I notice all their drawbacks and weaknesses.

~ 2 in 1: shame and gratitude
I feel pity and care for our planet, animals and plants, even stones and rocks! And I've already overcome that stage when I hated people for what they do to the world and themselves, although I still feel ashamed sometimes because of belonging to this group (humans). And many times I ask our planet, and animals, and trees to forgive us, humans, for what we've done, we've been doing, and are going to do, and will do, and thank the Earth for letting us live here.

Friday, February 12, 2010


~ My current food habits
I eat once or twice a day, but I 1)overeat and 2) I eat very late, after 23, when I come home.
The body needs some rest, it sleeps at night, it doesn't work, thus all that undigested food, no good.

~My current food preferences
bananas !!!
tangerines !!!
parsley !!!
apples !
red pepper
green onion !!!

No juice. It's not that I'm against it, no. But somehow I don't need it now.

~ Water: OK, 2 l a day
As I eat in the evening or at night, I can drink water whenever I want during the day, and I do.

~ Bronnikov
*This week, 8.02-12.02.10, I took part in a training to improve my sensitivity to energies, to give an impulse to developing the right side of my brain. It's a very short training, 4 hours a day, 5 days in a row, but even in this very short period I've experienced so much and I'm so grateful for that!
*Of course, I want to be able to see without eyes as can children in the video, to control my energy fields, to heal, but my current abilities are very far from these powers. The other trainees were more sensitive than me in the majority of exercises, my energy channels are seriously blocked :(. I'm happy I started to feel something, but with the help of visualisation while the exercise is on mere feeling. A lot to work on.

~ Physical exercise
I want to do something! Not that I know I should, I want to do it! A qualitative change.

~ Death
*I'm reading a book by Dr. Michael Newton on the life of souls after death of the physical body. He hypnotically regressed his clients to a point between lives--after death, but before birth. He shares the knowledge he got from years of research, i.e. of his hypnotherapy practice, in several books. Maybe they're popular in the US, but it's the first time I've come across them. Very interesting. And one of his patients told him an old but simple truth - the only important thing in this "material" world is our way of life and how we treat each other. Our social status, our circumstances don't matter at all, what matters is compassion and acceptance of others.
*According to the Vedic beliefs, everything natural has a soul - a human; an animal, a reptile etc.; a flower etc.; a stone etc. And depending on the 'sins' and necessities of each soul's development, the next time it's on Earth it chooses the right type of body. Well advanced souls don't return to the Earth. In Buddhism an advanced, enlightened soul frees from the Saṃsāra wheel of suffering (i.e. frees from being born on Earth again). So there's a goal in life - to become enlightened.
I believe in reincarnation, and so Newton's book is lying onto a well-prepared ground =).

~ 2012
I'm really interested in the "mystery of 2012", but I'm not afraid because I share the view about the qualitative change in (human) consciousness and appearance of a new human (the next level of our evolution, so to speak), which actually is a gradual process and is already happening (all the indigo and crystal children, more people awakening etc.). I hope there won't be any planetary alignment-specific natural disasters etc. on our planet, but I like the idea of the survival of people with higher levels of consciousness. Thus, spiritual growth is the path.

~ Animals and animal communication
*My dad read some books by Blavatsky 10-15 years ago, and I read several pages. It was very interesting but hard to understand. Later I was trying to understand the differences between man and animal (in all aspects) and found her essay "Have Animals Souls?". Much later I read different theories/beliefs, and now I believe everybody has soul.
*I've just learnt about animal communicators. It's amazing. The story about horses impressed me a lot. I'd love to be able to communicate with animals!

~ Dreams, sleeping, visualisation
*I've read a lot about the essence of dreams and the potential of using dreaming to change one's life. There're different theories and different ideas on that. Nevertheless many psychologists, psychiatrists, modern brain researchers, astral travellers, healers agree on the fact that something's going on there when we sleep, not just resting.
*Well, the body needs rest, of course. Those who experienced different unfavourable life conditions say hunger and thirst are not comparable with sleep deprivation. My personal record of staying awake is about 36 hours, and I felt really bad then.
*However, there's another important function of sleep. [B]est current hypothesis is that human require sleep to properly accumulate and apply what we learn. We need it to process all the new information we receive during the day. And information isn't just numbers or words, it's virtually everything - sounds/noises, movements, gestures... - all the signals from the world that we notice.
*Many say when you sleep your soul/astral body travels to different places or even different worlds, and one can learn to do it. I've read a book on how to start but I'm afraid to do it without personal assistance and support from somebody experienced. So I leave it for now.
*Then, they say it's the period of time when you can plan your future, receive answers, solve problems. If you want to learn a poem by heart, do it before you go to bed. If you're thinking over a problem all day long, you might get an answer/a solution in your dream or next morning or at one of the many microsleeps we have during the day. It works.
*Recently I've learnt one nice technique - instead of repeating affirmations (which don't work under many conditions) simply make a special why-question out of this affirmation and ask it yourself before falling asleep. For example, I am healthy becomes Why am I healthy? Our subconscious part will find its reasons and as a result you will become healthy with due time. I'm going to practise this one.
*One morning last week I woke up with a clear understanding of how to call myself when I want to communicate with the real I. Olen'ka. That's so sweet =) (it's a pet name for Olga)
*I haven't learnt to meditate yet, but when I close my eyes I start seeing many vivid pictures, one after another, or films or cartoons, in bright colours. I like it very much. But as I learnt at the Bronnikov centre training, there's a problem - I don't usually control it, it just starts. So I'm going to learn to give orders myself and stop it if I don't have a full control.

~ Aims and goals
The importance of having a goal in life has been talked over here and there, but still not everybody understands what he really wants to achieve - it's really hard to hear what your soul wants! I haven't realised what they are by now, but I have invented some nice goals for me =) and I'm happy about that =) But 1) I forget to think about them regularly and don't have a plan of how to achieve them, so the steps I'm taking may not coincide with my optimal path. 2) My goals are in the field of spiritual and physical development, I don't want to think about money while I have to.
get prepared to give birth =)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010