Saturday, February 20, 2010

~ Reincarnation
In the book I'm reading the author highlights the difference between reincarnation and transmigration of the soul. By the former he means returning to earth being reborn in human form. By the latter he means returning to earth in the form of trees, animals, birds, rocks, or human. Well, there're other definitions of these terms, but the important thing for me here is that Dr. Newton says he hasn't come across transmigration in his practice, which has been a good one!, and he was told that human souls live separately and reincarnate in human form only.
According to Edgar Cayce, humans are not reborn as animals.
However, according to many ancient beliefs and religions, we are.
From the I learnt that animals do change species when they return to earth. But I haven't found info about humans born as animals. Maybe I'll ask somebody on that forum.
I'm a bit confused now :) Nevertheless, it doesn't change cosiness of my reality=)

~Learning to respect
I want to learn to respect, especially my parents. All religions say parents must be respected, but I just don't feel the respect. I look at my parents like at people who gave birth to me this time and who know more about me than the others, and yet they don't know me, and there's nothing special, no that love I felt in my childhood, and I notice all their drawbacks and weaknesses.

~ 2 in 1: shame and gratitude
I feel pity and care for our planet, animals and plants, even stones and rocks! And I've already overcome that stage when I hated people for what they do to the world and themselves, although I still feel ashamed sometimes because of belonging to this group (humans). And many times I ask our planet, and animals, and trees to forgive us, humans, for what we've done, we've been doing, and are going to do, and will do, and thank the Earth for letting us live here.

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