Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Distilled water in Moscow

My beloved Moscow is definitely NOT a place to live, it's a place to make money or visit as a tourist. I realized it several years ago and tried living in several other places, quieter, smaller and less crowded, with better air, better water.
When I came back from Thailand I couldn't make myself drink the tap water. So during the entire fortnight I drank perhaps 4 litres of bottled water. Now that I have a distiller and I liked the water from it, I hope to drink more.
I want to share with you a couple of pics I took yesterday when the distilling process was coming to an end. Just compare the colours & transparency of the water in the flask and the jar...


Owen said...

Me gusta esto.


Wow! ;D) It works great. I need to get one like that. Thanks for sharing.