Monday, May 3, 2010

Vitamin D

On vitamin D:
~vitamin D deficiency leads to all kinds of disorders and illnesses
~we need UVB to produce vitamin D by our skin
~the window glass blocks UVB, but lets in UVA which can cause us harm
~20 minutes full body exposure to the sun daily is what we need to get our necessary dose
~there are special supplements made of animal particles
~everybody living to the north of the 30th parallel should do something (she suggests taking that supplement)

As I'm against supplements, I really understand why many raw foodists move down to Thailand, Singapore, Ecuador... =)

So, just to have one list of things that make our life better in one place:
  • Good nutrition (at least vegetarian, ideally raw mono diet)
  • Exposure to the sun
  • Good air
  • Good water to drink and to wash
  • Hygiene, body, clothes and flat, as natural as possible
  • Regular physical activity
  • Positive thinking
  • Feeling gratitude
  • People you feel good with around and no people you don't like around
  • Harmonious sounds and music
  • Having an aim and going for it
  • Minimum plastic and bottles with chemicals around, natural furniture, cosmetics (if any), detergents (if any)

I'll add smth else when it comes to my mind. Any ideas? Please let me know!

1 comment:

Owen said...

"Clothes and flat"? Qué significa?

Una cosa para la lista: sexo.