Bought a juicer. Finally! My old one had some problems. I had only 4000 RUR (1 EUR ~ 45 RUR), bought one by an absolutely unknown (to me) brand taking into consideration only the parameters (trying to find the best for such a low price). Just tried it with celery, cucumbers and carrots. For this price my choice is ok. I also want a manual so-called wheatgrass juicer, but they are not sold here (or I can't find any info), and I will have to order it from the USA... Expensive it will be, as the cost of shipment might be higher than the price of the manual juicer...
Being in general against breaking what nature gives us I consider juice extraction to be an intermediate stage. Besides, I want to follow Dr. Rudolph Breuss's 42-days scheme. In my case it's for cleaning purposes (I hope), but I have read posts by people whom Breuss's scheme helped in their battle with cancer (together with the no-sugar magnesium diet which consists in beet root, cauliflower, kohlrabi, pumpkin, radish, buckwheat sprouts and rose hips only, everything RAW!. If you know somebody with cancer who is looking for a cure, I really believe I know the answer).
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Interesting. I tried complete raw food diet once and I've never felt better. Demi Moore (my idol) does it too and look how she glows!
Now I'm just an ordinary vegetarian eating some fish too because I found the raw food diet too difficult after all. Didn't have the time and space to grow all the needed veggies myself and it was quite difficult at work and on trips. You always had to have your own meal with you.
But I will try to start it again someday because I really believe it keeps you healthy and happy. And I'm a natural scientist so it's not just a belief.
Acabo de comer dos piezas de ajo, porque mi hermano dijo que sería bien para mi resfrio. nunca otra vez! mi pobre estomago...
Helena, thanks for your comment! Raw foodism is only a part on my way to health and happiness, but I believe it is a basic component of the real health which I have no idea about by now =) So the goal is fantastic :)
What do natural scientists do? (related to raw food)
Owiko! pobrecillo, se suele creer en los poderes del ajo, pero es uno de los pocos antibióticos que nos dió naturaleza, y seguro que tú sabes qué hacen antibióticos, no? matan no sólo lo malo sino también lo bueno en los intestinos. Y puedes usar esta propiedad porque comes carne y el efecto negativo para ti es menor que el positivo. Sin embargo, el estómago reacciona así. Dicen ellos que hacen "cursos de comer ajo" que esta reacción sale sólo las primeras veces, luego la mucosa se adapta.
Yo que tú no haría un ayuno de 2 días. Es lo que hacen los animales cuando se sienten mal. Y eso ayuda, sí.
Hmm.. he sentido mucho mejor hoy. Es dificile establecer causalidad, pero es un buen signo.
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