Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Several links on raw diet and similar

I've been reading everything I can find on natural living (including diets) but it used to be mainly in Russian. It was intended for me, it's easier for me to be persuaded by something in my mother tongue =) But now I want to share my views. So I found something in English. Especially for you =)

Ah, those pots and pans! Or how and why I became a raw foodist
War in vain. Why we get sick and what for
Immunity. Do we really need it?
Cooking for slow death
Where to get protein?
Do vegetarians and raw foodists risk?
Eating bread one gains not just weight

And one last link for now about menstruation. I haven't read the entire blog entry, but I read something similar in Russian several months ago and I was shocked. Well, as a child, when I learned that every girl will start having it regularly one day, I didn't understand why human females have menstruation while animal females don't but I didn't even think about looking for alternative views on the nature of menstruation then. Hm, the fact of having it in the future (and having pain while giving birth) was the reason why I wanted to be a boy then =))) Now I don't need to worry about menstruation and I perceive the ability of giving birth as a heavenly gift.

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