My condolences to relatives of those who suffered in the earthquakes in central Italy, but here I'd like to comment on just one thing said on tv (Euronews, for example). So I heard some reporters talk about dehydration of those whom the rescue teams helped (are helping and will help) after the first 24 hours. Dehydration after 24-36-48-72 hours? Dios mío, those guys don't know what they are talking about! Now I noticed this disinformation, but just a year ago I would have believed those reporters.
In the modern European society it is uncommon to abstain from food and drink during certain periods. In the Muslim world many people fast in the month of Ramadan abstaining from food, drinks, entertainment etc from dawn to dusk. In the Hindu religion all the manifestations of their divine beings to lay people at a date in the past, all deaths of their holy people etc. are celebrated by a short fasting till midday (not eating, not drinking, no entertainment etc); plus there are 2 ekadashis every month when they don't eat or drink 36 hours (night+day+night). I don't say everybody is following all these traditions, but at least they are familiar with the concept, so everybody knows it's fine not to drink for 36 hours. My personal maximum of abstaining from both food and drink is 3 days (about 72 hours) by now, and I wouldn't use the word dehydration to my condition then. In general it is good to be sure that you can survive several days without food and drink while having enough energy for something apart from staying in bed and it is good to practice this as well.
I haven't drunk water for quite some time. My very old Soviet juicer still works and makes me apple juice every day. Then oranges and cucumbers are very juicy. I believe I must drink water, because making juice is unnatural (no animal can do this), but somehow now I can't make myself drink water. The water I have access to doesn't taste good to me.
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Qué bien que fuiste tres días sin comer, es impresionante.
Quería decir que los juídos tambien van algunas días cada año sin comer. Mis abuelos eran muy religiosos, tambien mi tío y primos, pero mi madre muy poco. Una de las unicas cosas que ella me ha dicho de hacer cada año es el "fast" de Yom Kippur, pienso para razones de salud. Cada vez me siento muy bien despúes de había hecho lo.
"The water I have access to doesn't taste good to me."
Por eso no entiendo porque te quedas en Moscu, vaya a la montaña!
Sí, en la cultura judía hay días de ayuno aunque en cuanto yo sepa normalmente son "fasts from dawn to dusk", sólo varios son de aprox.25horas. En Europa (incl. Rusia) hay muy pocos judíos que lo respetan (sólo en las comunidades de verdad religiosas). Por lo tanto en general, teniendo en cuenta todos los grupos religiosos que hay ahora en Europa, con el tiempo cada vez menos gente sabe que puede sentirse bien (física y moralmente) sin comida y bebida!!! Eso es lo que me hace preocuparme a veces.
Con todo lo malo de Moscú ahora me siento bien aquí =) Por un año me va bien, luego - ya veremos :)
ну, оля, в принципе, пару суток без воды может вынести каждый, хотя людям без подготовки труднее. Проблема в том, что ситуация усугбляется сильным психологическим стрессом, что и ведет к обезвоживанию.
Конечно, может! И 5 дней. Особенно, когда выбора нет =) Обезвоживание может быстрее наступить, если человека сдавило чем-нибудь, ещё быстрее, если растяжение или перелом. Но я высказалась в отношении тв каналов, которые показывали нормальных жителей, испуганных, но не пострадавших физически, да ещё после всего-навсего 1,5 дней. А страх - это да, сурьёзно. Вот лежит человек в кроватке, отдыхает, или кофе пьет в гостиной, а тут бах и его накрыло... Ещё одно напоминание человечеству, что не нужно так сильно привязываться к собственности, что жизнь - это не накопление материальных благ =)
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