Friday, August 28, 2009

Air ionizers, anyone?

Chizhevsky's air ionizing lamps (люстра Чижевского): can't decide.
I have an ionizer which produces only negative ions, and the author of this site, Aydar Tuktagulov, criticizes this type a lot, promotes bipolar ionizers as opposed to unipolar models and refers to the sanitary norms of RF. BUT one paragraph of the norms says that it's allowed not to have positive ions at workplaces with sources of electrostatic fields (office equipment etc), and it's exactly my case (well, not workplace, but at home I have so many appliances!)

"В зонах дыхания персонала на рабочих местах, где имеются источники электростатических полей (видеодисплейные терминалы или другие виды оргтехники) допускается отсутствие аэроионов положительной полярности." САНПИН

If you, (occasional) reader of this blog, have any ideas or experience or heard about somebody's experience, don't hesitate to tell me, ok?

Some quotes in RU with my rough translation

From the book by Kapten (Ю.Л.Каптен)

"Болезни возникают в теле в основном по следующим причинам:
-сон днём,
-бодрствование ночью,
-чрезмерность в сексе,
-движение в толпе,
-потеря правильных отправлений,
-плохая диета,
-утомительная умственная работа"
стр 190

"Illnesses arise in the (physical) body mainly from:
-sleeping at daytime,
-staying awake at night,
-excessiveness of sex,
-moving in the crowd (?),
-bad diet,
-tiring brainwork "
page 190

"Спокойная уверенность в том, что самое лучшее обязательно случится" стр 191

"... рассматривает грех как практическое или умственное действие или чувства, которые затрудняют, препятствуют духовному развитию человека" стр 199
~ "... see the sin as an action in practice or in mind or feelings that impede spiritual development of man" page 199

"... покаяние есть не что иное, как психологическое действие по приведению в соответствие высших духовных устремлений и ценностей индивида с конкретной самооценкой его практической деятельности" стр 199
"... repentance (of sins) is nothing else but a psychological action of bringing into harmony 'the higher spiritual aspirations and values of the individual' and concrete self-assessment of his practical activities" page 199

"Ложное чувство вины, ощущение своей греховности, по сути, препятствуют дальнейшему росту духовности, затрудняя прогресс" стр 199
"False guilt, feeling of their depravity, essentially, impede further spiritual development, making progress more difficult" page 199

From a lecture by Torsunov: hierarchy
^ реальный контакт с объектом
| медитация (концентрация ума для достижения связи с объектом, материальным или
| духовным) личностная или безличностная, на слух (поёт и слушает святое имя)
| практическое знание
| теоретическое знание

^ real contact with the object (when you see God you don't need to meditate any more)
| meditation (concentration of mind in order to connect with an object, material or
| spiritual)
| practical knowledge
| theoretical knowledge

Thursday, August 27, 2009

8 things to work on

To improve your spirituality (according to Jasmuheen):
1) understand that your thoughts create the reality; programming power of mind
2) meditation
3) prayer (Thank you!)
4) service
5) nature
6) exercise your body (yoga, martial arts...)
7) diet (at least vegetarian)
8) music and singing (only positive lyrics and instruments that don't have a negative impact on cells)

I heard a lot about giving some 10% of income to charity but when I see beggars I don't believe them... And what I heard from Jasmuheen in one of the many videos on the web actually helped me to solve this issue of wanting to give some coins and not believing those who ask for money. Finally I've decided to change 10% of my income to coins and 10-ruble notes and give 10 rubles to each and every beggar and street musician I see till this 10% is finished. It feels good :)

Monday, August 24, 2009


Dad gave me a book which is really worth reading. (RU) Рекомендую: познавательно про медитацию в разных религиях на востоке и на западе.
Ю.Л.Каптен, Основы медитации (вводный практический курс). Самара: ИЧП АВС, 1994.-362с.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009


I've been eating mainly peaches and nectarines the last couple of weeks. Fewer meals a day but considerable amounts of fruit each meal. Psychological dependence on food is significant... Sometimes I realise that physically I don't want any food any more (!) but psychologically yesss.

He-he, during the last three weeks: (just trying to recall everything)
1 peaches (from Azerbaijan, Crimea, Greece),
2 nectarines (very sweet, or very juicy, red, pink),
3 cucumbers (from different regions of Eur part of Russia, or what my relatives have grown),
4 tomatoes (from different regions of Eur part of Russia, pink, red),
5-8 dill, parsley, green onion, garlic,
9 apples (from Crimea, or from our parcel),
10 raspberry,
11 gooseberry (a lot, from our parcel, or from the neighbours'),
12 several young carrots (what my relatives have grown),
13-14 some cherry (from our neighbours' parcel), some sweet cherry (it's not good any more)
15 yellow plums (from my mum's parcel)
16 some grapes
17 hazelnuts (from South Ossetya)
18 a couple of bananas
19-20 orange juice, tangerine juice (when I work in the centre)
21 several melons
22 black currant
23-25 one white marrow, one green marrow (zucchini), a couple of very small pumpkins
26-28 lowbush blueberry of two types (черника и голубика), cowberry (брусника), cranberry - one Sunday we spent some three hours at the marsh just eating these berries! =)

It took me some time to type this list, maybe I still forgot something. Anyway, about 30 different types of food, with peaches+nectarines+cucumbers+tomatoes comprising some 70-80%.

Breatharians Baranova and Jasmuheen

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Smile =) Yoga Video

Yoga Videos 1938

Jasmuheen (talk) and Kailash (music)

Raw mono... what's next?

They tell me sometimes that I'm being too radical now.
I say no, it's not that radical.
They ask me "what can be more radical?"
Well, what about not needing physical food at all? Living on love/light/prana/...
A couple of links:
link 1
link 2
(in RU)

My current level of spiritual development is far from the one necessary for that. The next at least 2 years my new cells will be replacing the old ones that I got before going raw and you can't receive enough prana before the energy channels widen. You must first be physically healthy, and only then enjoy freedom from food.
Raw mono -> widen channels to receive cosmic energy -> be able to live without physical food

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I have never tried to meditate, but really want to! I've read and heard so much about the effects and importance of meditation that now I'm ready to learn. The only similar experience I have had by now were the 5 minutes of relaxation at the end of yoga classes, and I liked it.
They say it's easy, but something doesn't let me chase away the thoughts. I'll be trying to quieten my mind and reach that feeling of oneness.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Not about food

A couple of weeks ago I noticed that I didn't feel the need to talk about food any more. I don't initiate a conversation on "healthy lifestyles". Despite being absolutely sure about the necessity of switching to raw diet when fighting cancer, among other things, I don't promote raw foodism. It's actually quite hard to stay calm and not to react sometimes, because one of the people with cancer I know is mom of my best school friend, and at the same time my mom's good acquaintances are orthodox doctors who work with cancer patients every day and try to help them with chemotherapy. I don't even start talking about my views on cancer and treatment and what human beings shouldn't consume with them as they wouldn't want to see me or my mom again after that. I do answer questions though.
So food is not an issue any more. I think I got used to this diet =) although still only on my way to proper mono raw diet + drinking water. I'd need a couple of years of that way of life to see my physical body and health improve.
Now I'm focused on the part of myself which is not the physical body. I can't find the right words for it. It's not "psychic", it's not "soul", it's not "thoughts"... Non-material part of me, maybe?
One author who influences me most now is Wayne Dyer. Many of the ideas similar to those he touches upon or discusses in his books are not new to me, but somehow I tend to forget them and need to be reminded time and again. I am grateful to him =)