Friday, August 21, 2009


I've been eating mainly peaches and nectarines the last couple of weeks. Fewer meals a day but considerable amounts of fruit each meal. Psychological dependence on food is significant... Sometimes I realise that physically I don't want any food any more (!) but psychologically yesss.

He-he, during the last three weeks: (just trying to recall everything)
1 peaches (from Azerbaijan, Crimea, Greece),
2 nectarines (very sweet, or very juicy, red, pink),
3 cucumbers (from different regions of Eur part of Russia, or what my relatives have grown),
4 tomatoes (from different regions of Eur part of Russia, pink, red),
5-8 dill, parsley, green onion, garlic,
9 apples (from Crimea, or from our parcel),
10 raspberry,
11 gooseberry (a lot, from our parcel, or from the neighbours'),
12 several young carrots (what my relatives have grown),
13-14 some cherry (from our neighbours' parcel), some sweet cherry (it's not good any more)
15 yellow plums (from my mum's parcel)
16 some grapes
17 hazelnuts (from South Ossetya)
18 a couple of bananas
19-20 orange juice, tangerine juice (when I work in the centre)
21 several melons
22 black currant
23-25 one white marrow, one green marrow (zucchini), a couple of very small pumpkins
26-28 lowbush blueberry of two types (черника и голубика), cowberry (брусника), cranberry - one Sunday we spent some three hours at the marsh just eating these berries! =)

It took me some time to type this list, maybe I still forgot something. Anyway, about 30 different types of food, with peaches+nectarines+cucumbers+tomatoes comprising some 70-80%.

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