Friday, November 7, 2008


I came across this term just several months ago, but I was a determined lactovegetarian then, with ideas based on the popularized Vedic knowledge, and didn't read anything on macrobiotic diet. Today I did. This whole idea of eating what grows in your area and in accordance with the season appeals to me, but it wilted due to my love for fruit in general and exotic fruit in particular. Where I live now, in Holland, we have local apples and pears which I don't like, strawberries, maybe plums and cherries, berries. Where I normally live, in the central area of the European part of Russia, we have apples, pears, plums, (sour) cherries, strawberries, other berries (gooseberry, blueberry, currant, cranberries, buckthorn - it grows in Holland as well, but they don't sell it), tomatoes. And this is it. OK, it's possible to grow physalis. But I love melons, watermelons, apricots, peaches, tangerines which grow several hundreds kilometres to the south from Moscow. It means that to eat all this I must move to the south... Macrobiotic diet suggests avoiding sweet fruit, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and stick to other vegetables, nuts, seeds and cereals. As for nuts, in the Moscow region we have only hazelnuts. The energy aspect of macrobiotics (yin and yang balance) is nice. Of course it is necessary to be or pursue equilibrium in everything. So, once again, I will try to eat less sweet fruits and more vegetables or non-sweet fruits like cucumbers.

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