Saturday, October 11, 2008

Body temperature

I learned about the body temperature of raw foodists at the early stage of their new diet and decided to take mine before going to bed. And I was shocked. 34.8C! The lowest I have ever known for me! So my perception of the air temperature has changed together with or even due to my own body temperature.

Something interesting:
Usually our temperature when taken under the tongue is between 36.5 and 37.2C. Body temperature is strictly individual, so what is a norm for one person can mean something new is happening in the body of another person.
The temperature when one needs immediate hospitalization is 41C. When it is only 27C, one would slip into a coma. But down to 32C is not a serious danger, although one would start to shiver or even shake.

When I read that, I calmed down.

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