Sunday, October 5, 2008

Time and sleeping

There are many proverbs, sayings and wise men quotes in different languages that reflect the importance of living in accordance with biological rhythms. An example in English can be Franklin's "early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise". A quien madruga Dios le ayuda. The early bird catches the worm. Кто рано встаёт, тому Бог подаёт/к тому счастье придёт.
Today on the RU TV channel Vesti 24 an interesting film on time was shown. There is a modern branch of science called biochronology which studies the rhythms of individual cells and organs. Actually they believe they know much more than it was described in the ancient manuscripts of Tibet and India. But those who have knowledge from Tibet or India know that it is absolutely necessary to respect the cycles of the Sun and the Moon in their food choice and sleeping habits. Only since recently our modern scientists say it is good to go to bed at 22 and wake up with the sunrise.
It is important to sleep at night because only then (when one sleeps and when it is dark) the melatonin is produced in our body. In the end it influences the ageing, if one doesn't respect the circadian rhythms, or recovery, if one does respect them.
Thus, on the way to health one should sleep from 22 to 5-6. I am far from this rhythm but will be doing my best to make it my way of life. But they say it will come easily and naturally after just a year on raw food. People I read in the web on raw food forums wake up at 5 with a lot of energy and wish to live a full life.

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